Have You Ever Thought About the Future of Your Business?

  • In this highly relevant session, Andrzej Nedoma explores the multifaceted decision-making process involved in business succession.

  • While selling your business might seem like the straightforward choice, Andrzej emphasizes that it's not the only path.

  • Discover the various options available to you and learn how to make the best decision for your unique situation.

Do You Want to Continue Running Your Business Till Your Last Breath?

Hopefully not!

Selling the business (exit) is a widely discussed option but surely not the only one. 

Andrzej Nedoma has sold two of his companies, but he often meets entrepreneurs who are not convinced of such a move

What options do they have?

And how can they choose and decide on the option which is right for them?

Quite often, entrepreneurs are more attracted to the vision of working less and not being involved in the company's daily operations. 

It’s not about selling the business and cashing out, but rather about changing their lifestyle, reducing stress levels, and dedicating more time to other areas of life and hobbies.

Are You Considering an Exit but Unsure About the Best Approach?

Keeping ownership and transferring the leadership of your company might be an interesting option. 

Hiring a CEO or Managing Director is not an easy task and brings a number of risks and challenges. 

How can you execute it, avoid the threats, and do it successfully?

And what changes if the appointed CEO is actually your child or a close family member? 

Even though this may sound like a natural way to many, it can become even more tricky.

In this session, Andrzej Nedoma will share lessons from his professional career (both positive and negative) as well as best practices that he has found to work well.